PREFIX geo: http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#
PREFIX dbo: http://dbpedia.org/ontology/
SELECT ?city ?cityLabel ?lat ?long
?city rdf:type dbo:City ;
geo:lat ?lat ;
### Observation
In line with [the HTTPS/HTTP FAQ](https://schema.org/docs/faq.html#19) Triply prefers the HTTPS variant of the Schema.org vocabulary over the HTTP variant (although both are fine an…
This email address is listed as the maintainer of http://datahub.io/dataset/dbpedia
http://datahub.io/dataset/dbpedia/resource/3b1e8671-2a6c-4ff9-9bae-dfbe20cc47fe indicates that http://dbpedia.org/v…
Bij gebruik van de property https://data.vlaanderen.be/ns/omgevingsvergunning#zaak wordt iets tegelijk een en een .
a owl:ObjectProperty;
rdfs:label "zaak"@nl;
"Verwantschappen kunne…
http://mappings.dbpedia.org/server/extraction/en/extract?title=Great_Britain_men%27s_national_basketball_team&format=turtle-triples&extractors=custom makes triples with en.dbpedia.org (which does not…
Hi all,
can you please say which DBpedia snapshot did you use to build the GS?
/cc @jplu @rtroncy
Should be feasible now with HDT.
Which version to use?
From wikidata, if it has a sitelink to wikipedia, then by URL munging we can get to dbpedia.
For example:
https://lux.collections.yale.edu/view/person/38cc3510-0e0c-4ea5-9bb9-b967929dc45b (John Co…
Currently, I can only access the Antique and ClueWeb12 datasets. Unfortunately, I have encountered challenges accessing some of the other datasets that are essential for my project, specifically Robus…
Following your invitation I'm opening an other issue...
To summarize: I'm actually using Google refine 2.5, Windows 7 and Google chrome as browser.
As first I'd like to know if is possible to add a …
xro87 updated
12 years ago