I was trying flow the tutorial for the DCGAN but I have hit a problem.
When I run the following line `gan_output = discriminator(fake_image)`
I get the error `Dimensions must be equal, but…
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "train.py", line 7, in
from dcgan import DCGAN
File "C:\Files\code\py\practice\face-generator\dcgan.py", line 1, in
ulia> include("dcgan.jl")
WARNING: replacing module DCGAN.
julia> DCGAN.main("")
[ Info: Loading MNIST...
training started...
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching batchnorm4(…
DCGAN fails learning the mnist dataset. Is there a problem in implementation.
Hello, the DCGAN tutorial is broken in a few sense.
1. It is still using the old learning_parameter_schedule_per_sample method, which I cannot find any documentation anywhere on the web to replace it…
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When I run your code of dcgan on jupyter notebook, I catch the following issue :
FailedPreconditionError: Error while reading resource variable _AnonymousVar33 from Container: localhost.…
Hello! I'd like to do stain unmixing with deep leaning. My idea is that the input is a mixed image and the output is three images with only one colour. Can I realize it with DCGAN?
![gl5_0 6](https:/…
Why do I get the log as shown below:
[0/20][0/32] Loss_D: 1.8010 Loss_G: 8.0963 D(x): 0.4317 D(G(z)): 0.3617 / 0.0005
[0/20][10/32] Loss_D: 7.5290 Loss_G: 38.1183 D(x): 0.9269 D(G(z)): 0.9958 /…
I tried to modify the current implementation to generate attributed celebA faces. Therefore I made the following changes: https://github.com/hpobaschnig/DCGAN-conditional-celebA/commits/master