**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
Please consider adding [dramatiq](https://github.com/Bogdanp/dramatiq) to the [supported technologies](https://github.com/dynatrace-…
I noticed in https://github.com/Bogdanp/dramatiq/blob/master/docs/source/troubleshooting.rst it says:
> Dramatiq operations on builtin brokers are thread-safe
however the broker in this repo is no…
## What OS are you using?
Windows 10
## What version of Dramatiq are you using?
Version: 1.17.0
## What did you do?
I ran into an issue where a dramatiq worker takes a DataFrame to do s…
## Description
I'd like to propose support for [Dramatiq](https://dramatiq.io/) which is a pumped-up alternative for Celery.
## Rationale
Main reasons behind Dramatiq are [pointed out nicely …
Hello everyone.
In my Django application i used Dramatiq and i found out using LOGGING and Dramatiq in the same time make dramatiq fail to boot.
My configuration :
The `_resolve_executable` method in `django_dramatiq/management/commands/rundramatiq.py` will find `venv\Scripts\dramatiq`, but on Windows it needs to find `venv\Scripts\dramatiq.exe`
Can we update…
After migrating to the Kombu broker, we received the following failure message:
{"event": "Queue 'default.DQ' can not be declared with given topology (Precondition failed: Queue.declare: (406)…
**As a** Developer
**I want** an assay of alternatives to `celery`
**So that** the tradeoffs are documented and potential paths forward clarified
GIVEN a list of potential alternatives
@Bogdanp I've created an actor like this.
min_backoff=(1 * MINUTES),
max_backoff=(10 * MINUTES),
throws=(FooBar, BarFoo),
When a task is running, Skyvern's api service hangs and blocks incoming requests until the running task is completed.