Demonstrate how this framework can be used to implement different genres, by designing a GameScene for each genre. Will also be useful for more complex games that span multiple genres, game modes or h…
I was playing the game with notepad and desmos open, but I got kind of annoyed switching between the tabs, so I figured it'd be nice if the level up screen told you how much a level actually changes y…
The camera needs to be controllable as if from a first person perspective. Initially this makes sense to be locked to a single top to bottom rotation pole like an old school dungeon crawler. Rotation …
_Originally posted by @zach-klippenstein in https://github.com/square/workflow/pull/874#issuecomment-574342417_
Um mal einen Anfang zu machen, hier können alle Spielideen/Konzepte rein geworfen werden, die Euch so durch den Kopf gehen, damit wir erst einmal ein Grundkonzept zusammen bekommen. Prinzipiell ist al…
已完成:基礎Tilemap建置、角色移動、怪物、攻擊怪物、受傷、受傷擊退、開啟寶箱、sprite 動畫
參考教學:[dungeon crawler tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fK6MVLPrMA&t=22s)
程式碼見basic branch
This is a real noob question - I'm trying to grok how to use the rules' engine and I think maybe due to a lack of background in relevant areas (databases?) the terminology has left me a bit confusing.…
kxygk updated
10 months ago
The theme for LD56 is Tiny Creatures.
- Parallelism
- 5 billion fleas
- Breeding Game --> Biological Horrors
- Insect/Tiny Creature collection to perform tasks
- Evolution through collecting sma…
(Pulling this out of discussion in #1567 since @egnor pointed this out)
Historically, our `DeepLink` component attempts to avoid opening a native app on a non-mobile browser by inspecting `window.s…