alluxio@fs-alluxio-master02:/home/liangrui$ alluxio fs ls -d /alluxio_mnt/yycluster02/hive_warehouse/yy_client.db/pub_dwv_flow_actv_suid_info_di_test/dt=2022-05-23
drwxr-xr-x hiidoagent hdf…
[click here to see more](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DwV-oOsXcAIct2q?format=jpg&name=medium)
Enhance the preview with better image viewing. Some examples:
- [jcrop widget](http://deepliquid.com/projects/Jcrop/demos.php?demo=handler) to select a point or area.
- [cropper.js](https://feng…
Some resources:
- [Chest Xray Dataset](https://nihcc.app.box.com/v/ChestXray-NIHCC): 45GB of xray png images
- [cornerstone](https://rawgit.com/chafey/cornerstone/master/example/index.html): ht…
第1042天 说说你对CSS中的单位svh/svw、lvh/lvw、dvh/dwv的理解
Commercial data for vermilion/sunset. Check off when complete and uploaded to appropriate folder.
**North of Conception**
-[ ] Fleets: Net, Trawl, HL
- [x] Landings
- [ ] Ralston recons…
Unable to load Float32Array format in the demo. Looking into a few codes I can change in dicomBufferToView file and a few other approaches, but I was wondering if there is a better way since I see the…
The latest version (0.7.0) is too slow on Firefox (30) for Android (4.0): both in simple mode (only dwv code) and when drawing (kineticjs code, see [comment](https://github.com/ericdrowell/KineticJS/i…
A magnifier could be included as a new feature. It will help to zoom a particular portion of an image. The magnifier zoom label should be customizable.
The viewer must provide a series ~~browser~~ filter for users trying to load multiple series. ~~A snapshot representing each series would then allow the user to load only one serie.~~ (on client side)…