you can recur on the system: mac 10.14.6
the step is this:
1, open IDLE
2, import easygui
3, easygui.msgbox('This is a basic message box.', 'Title Goes Here')
4, the system cancel and log off,…
**I have made a mistake, and the errors I talk about here occur in the older version of easygui, 0.97**
I downloaded easygui and put it in my site-packages folder. When I typed `import easygui` int…
When trying to use the oletools module on Linux Mint (and, more precisely, when trying to import the `hexdump3` function), I'm getting the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
wished by all my underage rpg-programming students:
the possibility to display ether animated gifs instead of the image inside a button/messagebox,
the possibility to play an animation inside a bu…
It is possible to create a single file containing all of our files. Do that to simplify the install for users. See the discussion here:
A number of my students use Mac OSX, and have reported that that current version of easygui reproducibly crashes on Mac-s.
Attached are two crash reports, from different machines
The launcher demo works fine, but when I try to use the functions as a library, a GUI pops up and returns the value I set, but does not then go away. The window just becomes unresponsive and cannot be…
I am trying to use codebox to display a calendar in easygui in python3.4
My code is as follows
>import easygui,calendar
cal7 = calendar.month(2018, 7)
Currently running 0.98 from pip install easygui.
(also tried direct download of the latest release from site)
My program has several options, but even this one does not allow multiple selection.
(Cross posting from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31223583/easygui-dialogs-are-not-given-focus-when-created .)
I am using Python 2.7.9, `easygui 0.97.4`, and Windows 7.
I am trying to pop up a …