## Problem
I want to use vscode vim's built-in easyMotion on whichkey, for instance:
j to use s
## Solution
Add "keystroke" type, or is there any other solutions?
## Alternatives
Being able to press a key and have all clients in a grid view that could selected through easymotion would also be an awesome implementation for later on.
As I said in other request - fantastic wor…
This is my lazy.nvim configuration for easymotion:
init = function()
vim.g.EasyMotion_smartcase = true
vim.g.EasyMotion_do_mapping = false
synic updated
8 months ago
HI, I got a problem.
`Command + v` dosen't work well with incsearch.
In normal mode , I type `/` and then type `Command + v`. It doesn't paste content to the nvim command line, instead paste the co…
Idea-easymotion does not jump to the matched character even if it is the only match, you always have to press that extra key to jump to it which is redundant.
Here are my setting for this plugin.
Plugins like [EasyMotion](https://github.com/easymotion/vim-easymotion) allow the user to jump to any location in a Vim buffer very quickly. Similar (Neo)Vim plugins include [Hop](https://github.com/h…
This is my ideavimrc.
set scrolloff=5
set incsearch
map Q gq
Plug 'easymotion/vim-easymotion'
let mapleader='\'
set easymotion
map (easymotion-prefix)
When I press \ , vim will inco…
Kakoune v2018.10.27
Python 3.6.7
Shell: dash-0.5.10
Commit that breaks it for me: 9098e0ff15089e1a0b0ea469441d6f58d76d40cf
When running any easymotion command kakoune hangs and waits for some …
In my _vimrc
map n (easymotion-next)
map N (easymotion-prev)
and as the "Bonus fuzzy-search with EasyMotion" suggest.
function! s:config_easyfuzzymotion(...) abort
return e…
I am trying to debug reasons why EasyMotion won't trigger when the extension is used under VSCode-Server (see related issue: https://github.com/cdr/code-server/issues/3196).
**To Reproduce**