When following the example data in wiki and running the L1 file (without any revision) for Loxton site, I encounted a few errors:
I have a covariance variable (e.g. covariance between temperature and a wind component). I would like to use time_bounds the cell_methods attribute to clarify how the data was processed. I think I sho…
achho updated
10 months ago
What if GPP is really 150 PgC/yr, not 125?
* [Lisa Welp was right](https://www.nature.com/articles/nature10421)
* A number of CMIP5 models, mostly notably CESM, are [much too low](https://agupubs.on…
@scosoli for information:
Some BONC HF files got a VCUR_sd == 0 for VCUR_quality_control = 1.
Example: http://ci-eb-thredds-devl-data.aodn.org.au/thredds/dodsC/IMOS/ACORN/gridded_1h-avg-current-…
**We want a flag database**
* L1 -> Flags applied to data -> Filtering -> Computation -> L2
* L2 filters out data and assigns a quality column
Add a flag API is something like:
- `Tim…
In order to compare baseline performance vs. FSL eddy.
Hi Peter,
I'm attempting to analyze site flux data from open platform contributed by other scientists using PyFluxPro. This data includes the NEE but does not contain the Fco2. I'm wondering whether …
It would be great if we could identify a standard representative set of models and/or model data that can be used in the MED recipes we are developing (as opposed to each recipe using some semi-random…
The following fails with error:
TKE (turbulent kinetic energy) is part of the [COSMO model](http://www.cosmo-model.org/) output, and yet lacking a specific standard name.
**Proposer's name**: Martin Schupfner
**Date**: March 0…