I having trouble running eddypro-engine on my linux machine (ubuntu 22.04) with this command:
`eddypro_rp -s linux eddy-pro-cmd/3m.eddypro`
Which returns this:
Eddypro binary only exists in window and mac platform. Build eddypro linux version and test it.
Code cleanup task.
- [x] #259
- [x] #300
- [x] #299
- [ ] Check eddypro column renaming in eddyproformat.py [line](https://github.com/ncsa/ameriflux-pipeline/blob/develop/ameriflux_pipeline/edd…
Add QA/QC in the code. The user should be able to turn this option on/off probably by using the config file like,
QC_PERFORM = os.getenv(QC_PERFORM , 'True') and also put the variable in .env file…
Update test_preprocessor and test_eddypro_run to reflect the most recent changes to the modules.
The biomet data generated by met merger for 2020 maize basalt has an error running in eddypro. Manually generated csv file doesn't have any error running eddypro so it needs to be identified and fixed…
Create a separate log file for each eddypro run. The log filename will have the timestamp and will be opened in write mode (not append). The subprocess for eddypro run should print to console and log …
L2 ameriflux misses soil related variables in 2020 site process. I tested with old code and those variables were there but the newest develop branch made this problem.
You can run 2020 site using …
Delete the below columns from the eddyproformat.py output file.
Currently, if there are multiple eddypro run outputs are in the folder, pipeline doesn't exactly know which output to read. Fix this by reading the correct eddypro run output file for the piplline.