# Retailers
## Comparisons
- https://www.choice.com.au/shopping/shopping-for-services/utilities
- https://www.choice.com.au/shopping/shopping-for-services/utilities/articles/shopping-around-for…
In the description of secondary energy prices that are available in the current nomenclature, there is sth I do not understand. It is written that this price corresponds to the price at the secondary …
### Mission Statement
To provide a middleware and data connector supporting secure and controllable data exchange among grid operators and also other market players.
### Description
OneNet Framewor…
As suggested in https://github.com/Nanoseb/gqueue/issues/2 there are power grids where there is a lot of deviation of the carbon intensity hour by hour (15 min by 15 min) over the year. See some of th…
It would be nice to be able to simulate the consequences of price incentives for the electricity load. For example when electricity prices on quarterly values are introduced in the market this will in…
When comparing the AEMO publication through their own website (and presumably available through their API), the 5minute interval pricing on OpenNEM can be more than one interval behind.
It would be…
There are a few common metrics for reporting the carbon intensity of electricity, especially if we refer to the GHG Protocol:
1. **location based** - which is usually an weighted average of the car…
All facilities I checked seem to have underreported outputs.
For example Muja 7 which has relatively flat output is reported as running at up to 200MW output on AEMO website: https://aemo.com.au/en…
## Description of the issue
From #1828 and oeo-dev 89
It should be possible to differentiate the different voltage levels:
- High Voltage
- Low Voltage
And the type of network system:
- Tran…
In OpenNEM (the API and frontend) Distillate data looks like this: