### Environment
- Operating System: Linux
- Node Version: v20.15.1
- Nuxt Version: 3.13.0
- CLI Version: 3.13.1
- Nitro Version: 2.9.7
- Package Manager: bun@1.1.27
- Builder: …
Hi there, I need some assistance with atmospheric correction using Acolite for EMIT imagery. I've tried running it with EMIT Level 1 data, but I'm encountering an error stating that the EMIT data is n…
### Describe the bug
I see there is no before-hide emit which means that I couldn't ask if the user wants to leave the drawer for example. Currently I am using drawer with builder in forms, means if …
Mock design by @sandesh-sp : https://www.figma.com/proto/l1F72xSr5BlZ9zt34nJgwn/Emit?page-id=0%3A1&node-id=1-2&node-type=canvas&viewport=-184%2C356%2C0.33&t=FkI5moRarkmCwfr1-1&scaling=contain&conten…
Documentation: https://docs.openwebui.com/tutorials/plugin/functions/
Note the section on Valves / Event Emitters / Status / Message
- This is useful for updating the user with in-between step…
Hello, first of all thanks for everything provided so far 😃
**Please describe what the rule should do:**
Reports when trying to emit a ref itself, instead of emitting the value of the ref.
### Nomad version
Nomad v1.9.1
BuildDate 2024-10-21T09:00:50Z
Revision d9ec23f0c1035401e9df6c64d6ffb8bffc555a5e
### Operating system and Environment details
`AlmaLinux release 9.4 (Se…
- Implement thread-safe, non-blocking emitter in kotlin as per spec RTE1
- Ideally, should expose methods that can work for both kotlin/java.
- Should be able to process events in provided coroutine…
I have an emitter with locale setted but the output is generic
"emitters": {
"num": 0,
"frequency": "0s",
### Affected URL(s)
### Description of the problem
inside process page there is the docs for `process.emitWarning()` but is missing for the function `process.emi…