As you know, @ExpandingMan and I are looking to optimize performance for StaticArrays. Forward mode works splendidly, but reverse mode still makes one allocation during the `gradient` call:
There are some ongoing efforts to make Oceananigans.jl composable with Enzyme.jl (an AD package).
This is currently spearheaded by DJ4Earth:
With a project update her…
Running this script:
with loose type analysis produces the attached error. I am using the latest m…
Xpost: https://discourse.julialang.org/t/scimlsensitivity-jl-precompile-error-because-of-enzyme/122561/9
Trying to follow along this the SciMLSensitivity.jl tutorial:
[Parameter Estimation of O…
module MWE
using Roots: Roots
using Enzyme: Enzyme
function find_zeta(y::T) where {T
the following is veeeery slow on CUDA and also errors out:
julia> using CUDA, Enzyme, RadonKA, DifferentiationInterface
julia> function main()
arr = Array(rand(Float3…
Now that direct adjoints are starting to work with Enzyme over OrdinaryDiffEq.jl, it would make sense to add this to the SciMLSensitivity.jl system.
using Enzyme, OrdinaryDiffEq, StaticA…
Segfaults in CI, need to minimize
Enzyme has a pending breaking release upcoming.
One notable addition is runtime activity being part of the mode now, we well as (potentially) moving whether the primal is returned as part of the mo…
using Pkg
# AlgebraicJulia Dependencies
using Catlab
using Catlab.Graphics
using CombinatorialSpaces
using Decapodes
using ComponentArrays
using ForwardD…