There are Wiegand Readers, that also have Fingerprint Modules, like [this](https://de.aliexpress.com/item/33056522572.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.5b4c606eV2rGHo&algo_pvid=b098170a-89be-45…
I have notice sometimes on some esp8266 devices, that I'm not unable to connect to Protal AP so I can configure wifi settings for esp to connect to router. But using that same esp on anothe…
### The problem
Hi I have one esp32 device with two dallas temp sensors connected to it. All has been working fine for weeks. Today upgraded to 2024.9.0 and both sensors stopped sending data. I have …
I have an application i want to send TLS / SSL packages over websockets using aiohttp on an ESP32. The problem is that the websockets fail after a short while when using packages that have…
**Describe the problem you have/What new integration you would like**
I would love to schedule a Start and Stop Time thru the webserver of ESPHome.
Select the weekdays
Select the weeks
Hey, thanks very much for this. I am considering using it for a testing a small batch of assemblies.
I am a bit confused about the docs. Is http://tinylabs.io/openfixture-config/ outdated? How do …
Hello, I am working on a similar project [esp-ena on GitHub](https://github.com/Lurkars/esp-ena) for ESP32. Since we may run into similar issues, we can support each other. Since I am hobbyist in C, w…
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
The new § 14a of the Energy Industry Act came into force in January 2024.
This affects all consumption devices with an output of 4.…
## Do not report new issues related to this message, instead please comment on this issue with the logs that you see and the config for that component.
### The problem
wenn ich versuche über Plattformio einen D1 Mini Pro zu flashen (egal ob 0.5.0 oder 0.4.9), Startet dieser nach dem Flashen nicht.
Nach dem errechnen und anpassen der Monitoring-Baudrate bek…