Dear sirs,
please correct a very misunderstanding wrong translation of the following sentence in the ESPD-form (https://ec.europa.eu/tools/espd/response/eo/procedure):
English: "Information conc…
When you receive an ASiC container in the eSubision process you need to know if it´s more than e.g. trdm 090 involved. If the container carry both trdm 090 Tendering + 068 pre-award catalogue and trdm…
quando invio la richiesta di un nuovo appalto l'e-service mi ritorna 400, di seguito la request:
"Version": {
"_Major": 1,
"_Minor": 1,
"_Build": -1,
### Describe the bug
Adafruit FT6206 library after remapping coordinates to be flipped so 320 that the library thinks I am touching is actually 0 and 480 that the library thinks is actually 0 I am tr…
I get this message when i try to download the ESPD file as PDF
Internal Server Error (500)
URI is not absolute
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI is not absoluteat java.io.File.(Unknown S…
Could you provide some step-by-step guide to install the package, with python version requirements?
Thank you
## Environment and `pandoc` version
I've installed pandoc via https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/releases/latest version **3.1.9** inside the Docker container python:3.8-slim-bookworm.
## Problem descr…
It seems that this URL works well, and contains both history since 2013 and a 7 day forecast:
For information, I'm working on localization feature. I will use android official way with string.xml resource file. If you have suggestions, or help to provide, I'm open for discussion :)