For privacy reasons I have to use the option "Avatar icon display mode" = "None". Actually, I think the Gravatar option is very nice, but the way the function is implemented in HashOver, I am not allo…
**Como um novo usuário, quero criar uma conta fornecendo meu e-mail, senha, confirmação de senha e número de telefone,
Para que eu possa me registrar no aplicativo e ter acesso às funcionalidades.**
Enforcement date for EU GDPR is 25 May 2018: https://www.eugdpr.org/
Has anyone looked at how this will affect Arastta, and stores running on it?
As far as I have seen there is a need to clarify…
Docker's JSON file log rotation is currenly only volume-based (via the `max-size` and `max-file` options for `--log-opt`). However, for GDPR compliance we need time-based rotation, so that container l…
I started using `ACME.js` a few weeks ago and it's really great. Thanks for your work! I was wondering if you would consider making the `maintainerEmail` parameter optional: if no `maintainerEmail` is…
tyrak updated
1 month ago
awesome job.
Can you please provide information in README on how it works and whether is compliant with usage in EU regarding cookies / GDPR?
One option: https://www.drupal.org/project/eu_cookie_compliance
Pretty slick that it can use geoip to only display notifications for visitors from EU countries.
Several governments have legislation requiring that data is not provided without obtains informed consent from users. This requirement is not met by the VC or the OID4VC. It is proposed that the que…
could you implement the new fields because of the new EU restrictions (GDPR), please? Or is there a way to do it by myself?
Best wishes, Jan
Automated https://app.eu-central-1.saucelabs.com/tests/a10ed7e0944d40b0bb9ebb43b46fd02a
mac 10.15 and 11.
automated and manual.
Manual https://app.eu-central-1.saucelabs.com/tests/9d3e50d9a9794…