Thank you for your job! When I try to generate a pose face image, the following image appears:
I follow [these example scripts](https://github.com/HaixinShi/fmov_pose?tab=readme-ov-file#running) and face the following error:
Hello FMOV
Use global conf...
Load data: Begin
scale_mats_np …
This is an exciting project. Could you offer detailed inference parameters and the way to apply emotion control? As the reasoning reveals that there are extremely serious wrinkles on the face and fore…
WSake updated
2 weeks ago
I edited face in Eyeglasses, Gender, Hair Color, Pose , Smile ... direction by MODEL_ZOO/StyleGAN2/[ffhq-1024x1024](https://mycuhk-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/1155082926_link_cuhk_edu_hk/EX0DNW…
Hello, I found that I can get better 3D poses during multiview-singleperson task, but I havng some difficulties fitting the SMPLX model. The head and neck of the human body look strange, and the SMPLX…
Hi Rasmus,
Great job with the repo, it has helped me a lot! I have a quick question and I was hoping you could point me in the correct direction. I'm working on a project in which I need to detect …
I'd like to generate pose vectors with respect to the head (i.e., without translation) to label images by whether the person is looking to _their_ left, right, or straight ahead (or up or down). Howe…
Is it possible to generate a single character from the Pose for about 5 seconds?
I have a video of Pose ( openpose + hands + face) and i was wondering if it is possible to generate an output v…
Hi, I faced the following error when trying to run multi-stream models:
using dlc image augmentation pipeline
Error executing job with overrides: []
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/…
When importing a pose, the face is completely deformed and it is very difficult to fix. I've tried with new poses and old poses, and all have the same issue. Is there any way to fix that problem?