There is no federated learning in the PPML test case of version 2.2.0. May I ask if federated learning is not supported in PPML?
Implement POC based on document in #800
- [x] Implement code infrastructure for federated queries
- [x] Implement mean on `MedicalFolderDataset` and `TabularDataset`
- [x] Implement std on `Medica…
### Proposed scenario
**GIVEN** a federated architecture setting of multiple FHIR Servers, assigned one of the FHIR servers as the "central",
**WHEN** `google/fhir-data-pipes` sync the FHIR servers …
- [x] 简单语句的修改、增加Flower的介绍
- [x] 联邦迁移学习的Clarification,放到展望里来写
- [x] FedAvg存在的问题, e.g., [SCAFFOLD, ICML 2020](https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.06378)和一些改进的方法, e.g., [FED…
Given that at Nov. 1, 2016, [StatCounter announced](http://gs.statcounter.com/press/mobile-and-tablet-internet-usage-exceeds-desktop-for-first-time-worldwide) ...
> Internet usage by mobile and tab…
**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is. It is often helpful to
provide a link to a [colab](https://colab.research.google.com/) notebook that
reproduces the bug.
It would be cool to show "citations" in each publication, so you can see the publications which cite each publication. This would be a simple link to Google Scholar pointing to this publication.
* [x] www.usembassy.gov - Now returning DAP=True ~has `UA-33523145-1`, links to https://dap.digitalgov.gov/Universal-Federated-Analytics-Min.js?agency=DOS~ **
* [x] www.surgeongeneral.gov - we alre…
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can you tell me ?
where can i find these classes,as follows: