## タイトル: ResEmoteNet:顔感情認識における精度と損失低減の橋渡し
## リンク: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.10545
## 概要:
I only have one .csv file, named fer2013.csv. How can I make the train and test .csv file?
Hello, why is my accuracy rate on fer2013 data set only around 47%? I didn't make any changes to your code
Testing on 48x48 fer2013 led to undetected faces...
sorry, I tried to run the main_fer2013.py file and specified the model name is resmasking_dropout1, but I only got 65.63% accuracy on the private test dataset. What caused this?
sorry, I tried to run the main_fer2013.py file and specified the model name is resnet34,I can got 72.88%, but specified the model name is resmasking_dropout1, I only got 69.09% accuracy on the pri…
I use the script of cvs_to_numpy.py,and download the dataset in https://www.kaggle.com/c/challenges-in-representation-learning-facial-expression-recognition-challenge/data and then ,I try to get the .…
Where are your training and testing data sets