First of all thanks for the new version.
I noticed that you introduced $MAXCONTIGIDLEN to check for long contig names.
Is it intended that this is also checked if `--compliant` option is not set?
So …
*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 1066*
**component:** mcrl2-gui | **priority:** minor | **resolution:** fixed
#### 2012-08-21 13:08:29: @jkeiren created the issue
The graphical tools should …
*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 1065*
**component:** lpsxsim | **priority:** minor | **resolution:** fixed
#### 2012-08-21 13:08:03: @jkeiren created the issue
The graphical tools should sa…
*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 1064*
**component:** ltsgraph | **priority:** minor | **resolution:** fixed
#### 2012-08-21 13:07:40: @jkeiren created the issue
The graphical tools should s…
*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 1063*
**component:** diagraphica | **priority:** minor | **resolution:** fixed
#### 2012-08-21 13:07:04: @jkeiren created the issue
The graphical tools shoul…
*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 1062*
**component:** ltsview | **priority:** minor | **resolution:** fixed
#### 2012-08-21 13:06:47: @jkeiren created the issue
The graphical tools should sa…
*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 1061*
**component:** mcrl2xi | **priority:** minor | **resolution:** fixed
#### 2012-08-21 13:06:18: @jkeiren created the issue
The graphical tools should sa…
*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 1043*
**component:** lpssim | **priority:** blocker | **resolution:** fixed
#### 2012-08-01 21:02:43: vdpol@cs.utwente.nl created the issue
Consider the foll…
*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 981*
**component:** Packaging | **priority:** minor | **resolution:** fixed
#### 2012-02-06 16:50:27: scranen@win.tue.nl created the issue
It seems unnecessa…
*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 652*
**component:** ltsgraph | **priority:** trivial | **resolution:** fixed
#### 2009-11-16 09:45:24: anonymous created the issue
In order to find interesti…