### Describe the Bug
I updated build.gradle in the development environment to use Create0.5.1f and it crashes when I runClient.
### Reproduction Steps
1. Build a forge mod development environment…
Code cannot be build.
Environment info:
OS: Debian Wheezy, 3.2.0-3-amd64
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea7 2.1.3) (7u3-2.1.3-1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 22.0-b10, mixed mode)
is this a windows issue? looks like problems with \ and \/
D:\temp\ForgeTheSane>python3 main.py ./files/forge-1.13.2-25.0.193-installer.jar
Download https://launcher.mojang.com/v1/objects/30bfe…
Hey, so I have been using Vigilance (and essential itself) for a while now, and when building I would always just drag the required dependencies into my final jar using winrar, but I've decided that i…
Following the instructions for the Richfaces add-on for Forge, I encountered an exception on the last step richfaces-facelet :
Using Forge at C:\s\jboss-for…
I am using MineDojo, which shares some parts of the build.gradle file as MineRL. In particular, it has:
dependencies {
classpath 'org.ow2.asm:asm:6.0'
I've been trying to get this plugin to work for the last few hours and this is the error I'm getting
![screen shot 2019-03-07 at 04 13 30](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4052647/5393198…
### What happened?
Almost all button icons - except, sometimes, at some resolutions, the creeper and villager - are blurred:
> ![Screenshot_20240622_195735](https://github.com/TeamJM/journeymap/…
I'm the creator of KeybindsPurger and after being told that this mod prevents my mod from working, i started looking into the source to figure out a way to allow compatibility. I figured out how and n…
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':extractUserDev'.
> Could not resolve all files for configuration ':userDevPackageDepConfig'.