I have this simple APIs:
var summaries = new[]
"Freezing", "Bracing", "Chilly", "Cool", "Mild", "Warm", "Balmy", "Hot", "Sweltering", "Scorching"
... among embedded sources and files from sdcard.
ildar updated
2 years ago
**Environment information**
* Operating System: ArchLinux
* Cutter version: 1.10.3
* Obtained from:
- [x] Downloaded from release
* File format: ELF
**Describe the bug**
Fortunes don't wo…
I am a great admirer of your framework and saw how well you did on TechEmpower but I'm saddened that you borderline cheated (in spirit) on the Fortune benchmark.
You are supposed to use a templatin…
The technical vision is to have Asteroids break apart into smaller polygons based on a voronoi graph.
I have a prototype that feels very close to working but suffers from broken edge cases. I tried t…
## Issue
Initial installation of this repo and running 'fortune oblique' returns
`No fortunes found`
Running 'fortune oblique.dat' gives the output:
`/usr/share/games/fortunes/oblique.dat not a fo…
Would you consider adding support for looking in $XDG_DATA_DIRS and the paths listed in $XDG_DATA_HOME for fortunes? This would allow fortunes to be put in places other than the directories that are b…
Read in a list of fortunes from a CSV in the format:
Convert this list of fortunes to a 2D array of char pointers. The first dimension is the moon phase, from the corresponding moon pha…
## Front-end
- [ ] Fetch these past fortunes from the backend
- [ ] Display these in a table-ish sort of view
## Back-end
- [ ] Set up the table in the database that will store these (using SQLi…
**No longer possible to remove any widgets...
Possibly more issues that I did not notice yet
Invalid database records seem to remain in the database after uninstallation of the plugin
Is it possibl…