1. as a League manager Create a League Signup form
2. Have a player fill it out
3. Login as the manager and to the league you created the signup form for ... click League free agents
4. Click View …
# Geared up my Hexblast Sanctum runner (20M+ DPS)
**Also leveled up Kingsmarch to level 11**
## The experience
Everything went according to the plan, after finishing campaign, ran logbooks to…
### Sport
### Summary
Getting the league current week field returns 0, despite the league being multiple weeks in. This is also impacting the available keys within a player's stats dict, w…
Don't miss watch your exciting sports in USA / Canada - NHL HOCKEY
CHAMPIONSHIPS Montreal Canadiens vs Buffalo Sabres Live.Montreal Canadiens vs
Buffalo Sabres Live Streaming USA / Canada - NHL …
My `composer.json`:
"name": "xxx",
"description": "xxx",
"type": "project",
"license": "proprietary",
"version": "3.0.0",
"require": {
"php": "8.3.*",
`LEAGUE_DICT` provides a list of default leagues that will be used, along with the ones defined in `league_dict.json`.
LEAGUE_DICT = {**LEAGUE_DICT, **json.load(json_file)}
This can b…
Some general thoughts on the Intro page:
- Internet is capitalized
- Using an emoji is horrible grammar [e.g. ;)]
- We should bump 30 mins to 30-45 mins a day. We should be honest that at certain…
Don't miss watch your exciting sports in USA / Canada - NHL HOCKEY
CHAMPIONSHIPS Carolina Hurricanes vs Ottawa Senators Live.Carolina Hurricanes
vs Ottawa Senators Live Streaming USA / Canada - …
Don't miss watch your exciting sports in USA / Canada - NHL HOCKEY
CHAMPIONSHIPS Carolina Hurricanes vs Ottawa Senators Live.Carolina Hurricanes
vs Ottawa Senators Live Streaming USA / Canada - …
Add "Have 24 or more, family, friends, co-workers, or church goers?
You can have your own league!" as a separate section at the bottom.
Make, "Foxfire Bantam and Youth Leagues bowl Saturdays at …