When the sql is as follows:
drop table if exists temp_goods;
create temp table temp_goods as
substring(md5(g.gid::varchar),9,16) id,
The deletegoods command provided is too overarching, there is no way to delete a single goods that is attached to a supplier
If i have multiple Gardenia Milk Bread that is supplied by John …
Add Good API Practices According to FastAPI Documentation
for (auto& goods : 交易品数据) {
goods.amount = id_amount[goods.ID];
The deletegoods command provided is too overarching, there is no way to delete a single goods that is attached to a supplier
If i have multiple Gardenia Milk Bread that is supplied by John …
### 重现链接
### Vant Weapp 版本
### 描述一下你遇到的问题。
### 重现步骤
"van-goods-action": "@vant/weapp/goods-action/index",
hello, i have noticed an annoying problem. in the beginning of a game ( stable or latest nightly ) every building has 100% productivity and get a lot of goods. the later the game goes the less goods g…
Used to be the best shopping app but removing the "List of goods" made it a mediocre one of the many.
When shopping a large number of items the autocompletes facility is almost unusable, as you had t…
As I remember, papiNet has decided that UUID should be created by the server and not by the client.
Because of that, the property id: is optional in schema for LogisticsDeliveryNoteById: and Logistic…
**deliveryNoteLineItemNumber is missing and should be added.**
deliveryNoteLineItemNumber is required if there is a delivery note for the goods according to the schema.