**Describe the bug**
The seasonal machine is not properly spawned. After running `htb-cli start -m Drive` (seasonal box at the time), the program spat out what appears to be an empty target string an…
Hey, nice bot. But I don't think you've truly understood the power of bots. Also that's not really an info gathering bot, its just a general purpose utility bot. If you going to showcase this is a an …
# 每日安全资讯(2023-08-24)
- 喵喵喵喵
- [ ] [Cybermonday - HackTheBox](https://darkwing.moe/2023/08/23/Cybermonday-HackTheBox/)
- HackerOne Hacker Activity
- [ ] [Complete Admin account takeover due to Php…
### Describe the solution you'd like
We have the academy SSO feature, users who have linked accounts should also receive the CBBH or CPTS role on passing, as currently this role is given manually.
# 每日安全资讯(2023-08-22)
- 先知安全技术社区
- [ ] [BossCms V2.2 代码审计](https://xz.aliyun.com/t/12796)
- HackerOne Hacker Activity
- [ ] [insecure storage of information, you can view any file uploaded to the …
## Steps to reproduce
How'd you do it?
1. Install metasploit on ubuntu 22.10 and 22.04.1(clean install,Nvidia driver-515)
2. start msfconsole
3. use the payload windows/smb/ms17_010_psexec…
### Issue URL (Anti Adblock Script)