This enables us to decode event ID without a database hit in future
For some scenarios it can be useful to hide the ID's to prevent data leak, like how many users are signing up on a platform, growth data etc. And also preventing users to query other items if they kno…
hashids-python is not compatible with macOS (10.13.6). Please let me know how to fix it!
Currently all ids are sequential, which could lead to potential vectors for attack. Sequential ids are indexible however, which give database performance boosts.
Implementing Hashids should give us t…
Right now max value is `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER`, with no support for bigints. This is an issue for tracking this feature. Hashids has support for it here (for reference): https://github.com/niieani/h…
See: https:// github.com/doctrine/doctrine2/issues/5684
Long story short -- this spec will fail:
"decodes long hex string back" >> {
custom_string = "123456789абвгґдеєжзиіїйклмнопрстуфцчшщьюяАБВГҐДЕЄЖЗИІЇЙКЛМНОПРСТУФЦЧШЩЬЮЯ"
hashids = Hashids.new(salt: "ЦжЧєДОЄ8ук", alphabet: custom_string)
** (MatchError) no match o…
The [go-hashids](https://github.com/speps/go-hashids) library has been updated to support Hashids version 1.0.0
Some backwards breaking changes were done: Encrypt/Decrypt has been renamed Encode/Deco…
The `hashids_t` struct is not thread safe and shouldn't be shared between threads. I don't think we care about that though.
The real issue is error reporting. Currently there's global state for error…