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is there a way to down load this data when none of my systems have NET6 or any verion of NET ?
$ haveibeenpwned-downloader pwnedpasswords -s false -o
Failed attempt #0 while fetching https://api.pwnedpasswords.com/range/3F6E7. Exception is HttpRequestException and message: Error while cop…
I've downloded the newest haveibeenpwd password list, via haveibeenpwned-downloader.
When I try to update the list on my DC I get this error:
Import-CompromisedPasswordHashes : The file that is to…
I'll be honest, I haven't run this yet, but how large would the downloads be?
表白 https://github.com/pexcn/Love
wiki Confluence https://www.domoticz.cn/wiki/Domoticz%E6%89%8B%E5%86%8C dokuwiki mediawiki
目前已分配 IPv6 的公网地址都是 2XXX: 开头的,非常好辨别。
其中 2002: 开头的是 6to4 地址,由用户端设备自动建…
We are attempting to implement this into our environment and are running into issues with Lithnet returning "False" for Test-IsCompromisedPassword for passwords that are compromised after loading the …
Prerequisites (Step 3) is outdated:
Download the latest version of the NTLM passwords from the [haveibeenpwned.com pwned password list](https://haveibe…