Build up the Index.html file to make it more attractive to customers.
### Profile
깃 페이지 주소
> https://524hhhhhh.github.io/sample2/
[오늘 한 일]
> 1. html&css 작성
> 2. flexbox, position 복습 및 정리
> 3. css 간단한 애니메이션 구현
Does this issue occur when all extensions are disabled?: Yes
Version: 1.95.2 (user setup)
Commit: e8653663e8840adaf45af01eab5c627a5af81807
Date: 2024-11-07T11:07:22.054Z
Electron: 32.2.1
Hello, I hope you are good. I'm writing this because I love your colorscheme and I want it to be more awesome.
The problem that I'm facing right now is that the html tags and its attributes look to…
I'm coming from [this comment in a notepad++ issue](https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/issues/15792#issuecomment-2481280575). Writing here the text for convenience:
There's stil…
can we redirect the product pages so that th…
1. Create a new branch called dev and implement below functionality
2. Create an index.html page
3. Update Two Text Fields i.e Username & Password
4. Update a button with Login
5. Add Person Image…
## User Story
As a boot camp student,
I want a Prework Study Guide website,
so that I can review all the information I learned throughout Prework.
## Acceptance Criteria
GIVEN a Prewor…