Currently if you type
"single-band-hubbard-model" instead of "single-band-Hubbard-model"
no error is indicated.
If no model is found error should occur before the loop starts.
* [Link](https://journals.aps.org/prb/pdf/10.1103/PhysRevB.54.13047)
* Title: Exact-diagonalization method for correlated-electron models
* Keywords (optional): ED, SU(2) symmetry, Hubbard model
* …
Dear QuSpin organizer(s),
I would like to work in the full Fock space of a half-filling N-particle Fermi-Hubbard model.
I found that QuSpin considers just the basis that the total magnetization i…
Hi ipie developers,
I am trying to run the legacy example Hubbard model. What are the necessary steps to "resurrect" the code? It seems like the system name "Hubbard" in the input file has no corresp…
#### Käsitteen tyyppi
#### Ehdotettu termi suomeksi
Hubbardin malli
#### Ehdotettu termi englanniksi
Hubbard model
#### Vastaava käsite muussa sanastossa
I would like to study the ground-state phase transition and structure factor of the extended Bose-Hubbard model on a frustrated 2D lattice such as star lattice or square-Kagome lattice.
Is it…
/usr/local/google/home/mpharrigan/qualtran/qualtran/docs/bloqs/chemistry/hubbard_model/qubitization/hubbard_model.ipynb:10027: WARNING: 'myst' cross-reference target not found: './qubitization_wa…
Dear developers of DCore,
How do I obtain the double occupancy or internal energy
in the Hubbard model using DCore ?
Is it possible ?
Takahiro Misawa
I started using TRIQS recently for DMFT simulations. In order to get used to TRIQS, I've been doing some tests with the 2D Hubbard on a TB lattice (the code is here: https://gist.github.com/pb…
Hi Carsten,
Thank you for this wonderful code! Could I ask a quick question regarding the average sign?
I am trying the Hubbard model with repulsive U. Can I obtain the average sign from 1-mean…