1. Delete Reported Content
2. Click on the E-Mail Notification "XYZ has reported post...:" -> `View Online`
3. Internal Error
yii\base\ErrorException: Attempt to read property "c…
luke- updated
6 months ago
I couldn't get this to work via the web (no errors but no module created), so I'm trying at the console. I've had to modify the suggested console.php to this:
return [
'bootstrap' => ['gii'…
please rename the module to 'humhub-news-module' for better finding and set tags 'humhub' humhub-business' 'yii2'
ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function Firebase\JWT\JWT::encode(), 2 passed in /var/www/humhub/protected/modules/onlyoffice/Module.php on line 399 and at least 3 expected in /v…
It would be awesome if more languages could be add in the first page of the app like pt-BR for instance.
I can help for pt-BR translation if needed btw.
I installed the Bookmarks module and have been seeing some issues with it. I tried to run the integrity check and got this error.
PHP Warning 'yii\base\ErrorException' with message 'call_user_…
This makes the plugin somehow useless.
As a server administrator I see the following message and I honestly don't know what do do about it: There is no information on which space / calendar is causing this or the affected URL.
dreua updated
2 years ago
The Module sets the **document.url** incorrect so that a "download failed" alert is seen:
what can cause this issue?
Thank you
yii\base\ErrorException: Undefined variable: contentContainer in /var/www/html/humhub/protected/modules/questionanswer/views/question/index.php:34