Due to its dependence on the Iceoryx, Cyclone DDS, and Cyclocut static C libraries, it is not currently possible to load multiple versions of the Cyclors library simultaneously within a static binary.…
SOA框架iceoryx原理解析简介在我之前的一篇微服务的文章中曾经总结了微服务跟SOA的差异点和相同点,总结的结论如下: 1234差异可以归纳为:SOA面向企业范围,微服务面向应用范围。SOA带有异构集成的语义,微服务没有这个语义。SOA服务内部支持组件分离的架构,微服务则是更彻底的组件分离架构-组件在网络上隔离…
## Brief feature description
The build process of iceoryx could be improved by using `find_package` to setup the dependency to libacl, allowing to detect if it is installed. Since libacl doesn't prov…
авг 20 20:10:38 eve-deb systemd[1]: Starting test-iceoryx.service - Test iceoryx RouDi daemon...
авг 20 20:10:38 eve-deb systemd[1]: Started test-iceoryx.service - Test iceoryx RouDi daemon.
Original description by issue filer: your performance is higher than iceoryx?
Then I (@ygoldfeld) edited in the following:
It would be good to add a "Comparison with other approaches, products" …
It would be great to have something like a design document: what problems does this library solve, how does it solve them, how does it avoid various pitfalls, etc.
I came across [this reply](https:…
## Brief feature description
It may makes sense to introduce a package below platform. Here should reside packages with no dependencies at all. For instance a basic logger and the error handler.
## Bug report
**Required Info:**
- Operating System:
- Sonoma 14.4.1
- Installation type:
- from source
- Version or commit hash:
- Build ROS2 as described here: https://docs.ros.org/…
## Required information
[In the docstring](https://github.com/eclipse-iceoryx/iceoryx/blob/2e38d15f188a28cc3aaeb2716c3a9f0efb4f0626/iceoryx_hoofs/functional/include/iox/function.hpp#L29-L32) for th…
## Brief feature description
When a developer would like to debug an iceoryx application it may becomes necessary to universally inject packages on a specific service or to universally receive pack…