Linting Dusk ... /opt/gocode/src/github.com/dusk-network/dusk-blockchain/bin/golangci-lint \
run \
--config \
pkg/p2p/kadcast/packet.go:172:20: func `(*Packet).decreaseChunksHei…
This issue is going to fix all following issues, format and fix imports, and fix typos like:
`marshalled, Instanciate, reciever, writting, transmited, recieved, preferrably, succesful` and few others…
make lint
/opt/gocode/src/github.com/dusk-network/dusk-blockchain/cmd/dusk/cmgr.go:20:33: exported func NewConnMgr returns unexported type *main.connmgr, which can be annoying to use
Hi Loboris. Once again I need your help. I'm running a mqtt subscriber/publisher script on the last version of your port of micropython and I get a corrupted heap error. Here is the stacktrace while r…
I'm new to Sonoff MQTT and Domoticz. I'm unable to get them to talk. Is there a tool that I could use to sniff Receiving and Sending signals? Has anyone got Tasmota and Domoticz to work?
Domoticz …