This program compiles and runs with gfortran, ifx, ifort, g95, lfortran and AMD flang. It prints correct results only with the first three of those compilers.
program readexpinf ! file readexpin…
[Workflow Run URL](https://github.com/jax-ml/jax/actions/runs/11855865798)
Summary of Failures
tests/lax_scipy_special_functions_test.py::LaxScipySpcialFunctionsTest::testGammaSign: AssertionErro…
### Description of current behavior
When `Inf` or `-Inf` are encountered in data, `brm` passes these rows to Stan, which fails because it is not able to evaluate the lp at the initial values. I think…
Just hit my Google Photos free storage limit and I'm super excited to switch over to Immich. Unfortunately I'm getting this error on the first image upload. Dry runs go through perfectly. Running it w…
### 版本
### 确认
- [ v] 是的,我已搜索并确认,没有其他相同的议题
- [ v] 是的,我确认,已尝试升级到最新版,但未解决
### 服务器架构
- [ ] x64
- [ ] arm64
- [ ] arm
- [ v] 其他(请在下面补充)
- github actions
### Version of Git SHA
rollkit version
rollkit version: v0.13.7
rollkit git sha: 0335555
### System OS
### Installed tools
Docker, makefiles
### Others
_No response_
### 问题描述(Issue Description)
发现数据同步时很慢, 每次复制都是1-2MiB。感觉没有充分利用资源,求改善建议。
### 环境信息(Environment)
- RedisShake 版本(RedisShake Version):4.x
- Redis 源端版本(Redis Source Version):5.0.6
- Redis 目的端版本(Re…
Since Numpy 2.0 release in June 2024, `np.Inf` is deprecated (See 'Highlights' in the [release note](https://github.com/numpy/numpy/releases/tag/v2.0.0)). Would it be possible to have instances of `np…
I am very grateful for such a good defuzzing framework for open source,
I would like to ask if there is a time-consuming indicator for the inference of the model? Is there an indicator of how fast…
Using `truncated` with `±Inf` as the bounds tends to lead to NaN's when using automatic differentiation:
julia> using Distributions; f(s) = logpdf(truncated(Normal(0.0, s[1]), 0, +Inf), 2…