**Describe the bug**
I'm getting an error while building azure meta-iotedge for a kirkstone image.
ERROR: aziotctl-1.4.7.AUTOINC+91e058880c-r0 do_install: ExecutionError('/mnt/storage/yocto/ki…
We have a deployment that went down a few days ago when EFLOW updated to v1.4.11
It does not seem like a [v1.4.11 release exists](https://github.com/Azure/iotedge-eflow/releases)
This is t…
**Describe the bug**
Using Copy-EflowVmFile fails now that my devices have updated to the most recent version of Windows.
I noticed the last few releases of Eflow have said that newer versions of Ope…
I am trying to understand the maintenance - so just to make sure as documentation doesn't seem right:
The link that you provided to use (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-edge/tutorial-de…
## Environment data
`dotnet --info` output:
.NET Core SDK (reflecting any global.json):
Version: 3.1.406
Commit: a36050195a
Runtime Environment:
OS Name: ubuntu
OS Versi…
I would like to ask if there are any plans to support IoT Edge 1.5.0 on Kirkstone in the next months. I see on Microsoft website that Kirkstone should be supported up to April 2026.
I have setup a new Raspberry Pi as per the guidance in the following blogs
## Expected Behavior
I'll expect that by changing the module from running to stopped the module on the device will stop.
## Current Behavior
By using the sudo iotedge list the situation show th…
Some files are missing for a new solution. Can't follow this instruction https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-edge/tutorial-develop-for-linux?view=iotedge-1.4&tabs=csharp&pivots=iotedge-dev-ext…
## Expected Behavior
When running the `iotedge check --verbose` I want to have some details WHY checks were skipped.
It would be nice when running `iotedge check-list` is executed that checks wh…