The test data contains very different, non-standard file endings.
According to Simao, these are in line with the individual ITU-T recommendations.
At least, I would recommend having a text documen…
In the Lists Annexed section, most items relate to some ITU recommendation or another (see snipped below).
It would help to normalize this relation in the new OB data format being developed (#5).
The attribute run-mode in PhysicalLayerFrequencySync_Pac is missing
Attribute name:
The run mode of the frequency system clock, such as free run, locked, and hold over.
In ITU OB issues, the dates for approved recommendations are in "MM/YYYY" format. We should support this type of entry so the user can just copy and paste.
The main idea is to group the .ncl file and all the media objects in the same package.
`ITU-T G.Imp712`
![Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 4.19.16 PM.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kab-dot/pe/main/files/ffd1200d-7135-43e7-86ad-baad63fe7840.png)
Unable to see the full phone number
The application does not restrict the length of phone numbers entered by users, leading to display problems in the user interface where long phone numbers are not fully visible. This can …
![Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 4.19.16 PM.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nus-cs2103-AY2324S2/pe/master/files/ffd1200d-7135-43e7-86ad-baad63fe7840.png)
Unable to see the full phone number