using "gradlew.bat run"in windows but failed with following **err:**
Build file 'F:\Download\metastone-master\metastone-master\app\build.gradle' line: 3
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred e…
#24 added support for non-modular projects (thank you!). This works fine when using the default `run` task provided by the `application` plugin, but not for other `JavaExec` tasks (the necessary `--mo…
### Describe the bug
Just by applying the **`quarkus.io`** gradle plugin to a minimal (but working) JavaFX Application, causes broken dependency resolutions (Cannot choose between following variants)…
Running the `installDist` Gradle task should produce a directory containing a binary that can be run from the command line. However, the bundle appears to be missing the JavaFX dependencies:
Attempted to implement Shenmon's Javafx-gradle plugin but experienced a travis build failure. The plugin is fairly old: https://bitbucket.org/shemnon/javafx-gradle/
This allowed spotbugs to work but …
The JavaFX libraries contain platform-specific native libraries.
With the JavaFX Gradle plugin 0.1.0+ applied, or also natively after openjdk/jfx#1232 is finished, the JavaFX modules have various O…
Givne this trivial build:
plugins {
id("org.openjfx.javafxplugin") version "0.1.0"
id("com.github.ben-manes.versions") version "0.51.0"
I am working on javafx modular project! and using latest gluonfx-gradle-plugin too!
when executing **jLink** or **jlinkZip**, I am facing these issues, how can I solve one!
> Task :eSalesAn…
When I try to natively run with gluonfx-gradle-plugin on exemple project :
NativeRunAgent can't generate all file config. Af…
### Warum ist der aktuelle Stand nicht akzeptabel?
The current macOS binaries produced by GitHub Releases don't run on ARM Macs as they bundle native x86_64 JavaFX libraries. Strangely running `jav…
fwcd updated
5 months ago