host@MacBook-Pro kahoot-answer-bot-master % python3 kbot
name > test
pin > 9185332
quizID > bb6c79dc-0768-442e-9c26-d8c012af5ccf
RuntimeError: Native library not available at /Library/Framewo…
Can the script be adapted to a screen resolution of 1360 x 768 ?
The project's notes are contradictory on this matter:
_"The script uses screen coordinates to determine where to screenshot for q…
i need some help here, when i type `python3 Main.py` this comes out and nothing more
`sh: 1: color: not found`
I need your help to win some kahoot games.
What can i do to fix that?
It seems that it's not able to join games anymore.
Ignoring exception in command kahootraid:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\my-pc2\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\discord\ext\commands\core.py", lin…
Could you make it alot faster? Eith faster i mean like 1000 bots a min
I try to use `6. kahoot-rand - [w] - Like flood but bots can randomly answer to questions` and it spits out this error:
failed to connect: failed to create session: failed to defeat challenge: d…
Can u please make it so we can choose which answer the answer please
Both kahoot-rand and kahoot-flood have connection issues after about 70 users join.
The error message
➜ kahoot-hack git:(master) go run kahoot-rand/main.go 536579 name 150
Terminate this program…