I'm having a lot of trouble in finding out which keras layers are supported by the library, is there a documentation?
I checked out the ML-HElib api documentation but did not find any answers, …
I open this in a separate issue (from https://github.com/kermitt2/delft/issues/131#issuecomment-1080077920), it seems that there is something wrong when using the classification applications with tran…
I use Keras pretrained model VGG16. The problem is that after configuring tensorflow to use the GPU I get an error that I didn't have before when using the CPU.
The error is the following one:
您好,测试Keras-TextClassification/test/tet_char_bert_embedding.py脚本报错AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'layer',请问是什么问题?谢谢
tf.__version__ '1.15.0'
keras.__version__ '2.2.…
Using TensorFlow backend.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/ewuxtai/PycharmProjects/Keras-TextClassification-master/keras_textclassification/m01_FastText/predict.py", line 131, in …
请问在运行CapsuleNet中的train是出现错误如下是什么原因 ValueError: Error when checking target: expected dense_1 to have shape (90,) but got array with shape (17,)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:/PycharmProjects/pythonProject/Keras-TextClassification-master/keras_textclassification/m13_CapsuleNet/train.py", line 93, in
from keras_textclassification.conf.path_config import path_model, path_fineture, path_model_dir, path_hyper_parameters
Hi 大神
自己准备的头条训练数据,在文件夹multi_label_class下运行python train_multi.py报错如下:
附件里有训练数据,数据从https://github.com/fate233/toutiao-multilevel-text-classfication-dataset 解压,取部分数据做了处理。
头部 label|,|qu…