Just FYI and for the doc, I deployed this contract on Kovan: 0xa7bd1E08df70855654aDae825b81CA3481b4e8B3
Following the instructions in README.md through to the point of executing the Kovan deployment script results in a Hardhat HH110 resource not found error.
I'm getting an error when trying to access KETH on faucet.kovan.network . Please advise on what to do here.
I only have 3 kovan ethers. I just want to publish my contract to kovan testnet. But It seems I don't have enough fund to do this:
$ truffle migrate --reset --network kovan
Using network 'kovan'.
micli updated
6 years ago
https://faucet.kovan.network/ this page shows NGINX error on load.
- [ ] Use [open-source dapp frontend](https://github.com/realitio/realitio.github.io) to add our Kovan Arbitrator address locally
- [ ] set a small Arbitrator fee on the arbitrator contract
- [ ] cr…
Augur Orders are now not being retrieved from the sra/v3/orders API function. This pertains to this Augur market:
1. On…
### Lesson
Lesson 4
### Could you please leave a link to the timestamp in the video where this error occurs? (You can right click a video and "copy video URL at current time")
Kovan is deprecated and no longer supported by infura.
I tried running the following:
`python3 samples/poolCreation/poolCreationSample.py samples/poolCreation/sampleLBPool.json`
on both main…