Some Chalmers students are registered to courses which don't have a grading scale. This causes the following exception to be raised when the courses data is being fetched:
Traceback (most rece…
Hey all!
I was going to do the open source contribution for the Jan deadline.
However I just received the final grade on canvas. Will this be updated in january or did something go wrong?
We want our Registry to be compatible with non-EWP APIs. We even stated that on the Developers page:
> We are designing our Registry in a way that should allow it to be of use in other EU projects …
Ladok in Sweden has for some time been handling elmo automatically to create qualifications useful for a student in the national system.
We have seen problems with that LearningOpportunitySpecific…
Results in error:
|#033[0m org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'bankIdAuthenticationController' defined in file [/app/classes/se/s…
(Thanks Robert Jonsson!)
> Here is another type of error (executed in Windows command prompt as an
> administrator):
> ```
> C:\WINDOWS\system32>ladok data dt133g
> Course Round Component …
There seems to be a problem with the cache and AutologinSession. After a completed run we get:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/dbosk/.local/bin/ladok", line 8, in
Document Not Found
The document you requested does not exist. It might have been deleted.
Have an export/results command that can export results for e.g. LADOK (see [this issue](https://github.com/dbosk/ladok3/issues/2)). It should export CSV formatted results data.
dbosk updated
2 years ago