Hi, I'm trying to use `run_seq_labeling.py` from https://github.com/microsoft/unilm/tree/master/layoutlm on your data. However, the input format looks different.
Theirs uses `_box.txt` files that c…
Hi!I am using huggingface to the pretrained_weights of layoutlm_large_500k_epoch_1.But huggingface shows me the errors as below:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\SoulCode\PaddleDetectio…
I am having this issue where the loss outputted by the model during training is nan. This usually happens after the 3rd epoch.
I am training this on a custom dataset with 29 classes and 40000 d…
Model I am using (UniLM, MiniLM, LayoutLM ...):
how do I finetune LayoutLM on SROIE?
Thanks for your wanderful work !
I am trying the model on SROIE dataset,but I found some details is not clear .I have saw this issue and anwser:#151 ,but I have another quesion.
in issue #151…
I'm trying to run LayoutLM on google Colab
source /usr/local/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
conda activate layoutlm
conda install pytorch==1.4.0 cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch --yes
I can con…
My question is regarding LayoutLM.
I want to apply something like the Receipt Understanding task to multiple-pages documents, what is the treatment? Is there?
Hi, thank you very much for all the work that you have done, it is a huge help :)
I have noticed that the way in which text is preprocessed for LayoutLMv1 (and I assume also for further versions) doe…
Running the VGT inference script fails because the model file at https://layoutlm.blob.core.windows.net/dit/dit-pts/dit-base-224-p16-500k-62d53a.pth cannot be publicly accessed due to an HTTP 409 erro…