Varnam has a tokenizer that converts Malayalam (or any other Indian lang) text to manglish patterns. While learning, Varnam makes a database of such patterns -> word :
Pattern | Word ID | Learne…
Purpose of implementation request:
To try something very challenging at the interface of X-bar theory and Finite
State Machines.
When implementing the request, please focus on these
Hello, I'm following the SD fine tuning tutorial. I ran with the Pokemon dataset and all was well, so I formatted my own dataset, edited the .yaml, forked the repo and am having this issue with my cod…
- [ ] [“Emergent” abilities in LLMs actually develop gradually and predictably – study | Hacker News](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39811155)
# "Emergent" abilities in LLMs actually develop gr…
Python 3.10.6 (tags/v3.10.6:9c7b4bd, Aug 1 2022, 21:53:49) [MSC v.1932 64 bit (AMD64)]
Version: f2.0.1v1.10.1-previous-240-g294416ed
Commit hash: 294416ed55cad69eb8a01393854457e35207a2d4
Maybe I am completely wrong, but to me using something like bpe to build an encoding for text feels stupid. Sure, it is a fairly easy way and it will build an encoding that is efficient in terms of se…
Currently we have this situation:
* stage1: Inline assembly is a comptime-known string that can be built with expressions such as `++`.
* stage2: Inline assembly must be string literals. This is i…
We can set this default before gopls switches its default (https://github.com/golang/go/issues/45313)
Semantic tokens fixes many issues TextMate-based syntax highlighting has (incorrect highlighting,…
Where can I find the code needed to train the initial model and produce the model files?
# BPE as input tokens of the transformer model
The transformer model proposed by "_Attention is all you need_" encodes the 4.5M sentence input data into a small vocabulary generated by learning sha…