Hello guys,
Please support in having this verified. The option Litespeed option for Magento 2.4. under Caching Application not appearing even after I followed the proper installation: https://docs.…
We use a 3th pary Inventory Module and we disabled magentos inventory management. In this case, the Magento\InventorySalesApi\Api\GetProductSalableQtyInterface class is not available. You have to remo…
I am having indexer:reindex problem after new version.
Warning: Undefined variable $source in /home/XXX/public_html/vendor/litespeed/module-litemage/Observer/FlushCacheByTags.php on line …
magento 2.4.4
litespeed/module-litemage 2.1.9
We have an issue with customer data caching when it's not required.
This results wrong customer data load and several issues, for example minicart it…
2.1.9 - Doing anything in the backend of Magneto that forces a cache flush (adding a new product for example), it will crash the backend with the following error:
main.CRITICAL: Notice: Undefined v…
we have installed latest extension files: https://github.com/litespeedtech/magento2-LiteSpeed_LiteMage
and my magento version 2.4.1 and php version 7.3 but in backend option missing
I think I'm right in saying that an alteration to a product through the admin panel would trigger a cache invalidation for just that product.
I make a lot of changes to my store using the default R…
I'm using the most latest extension & receiving error code when clearing cache via cli.
Command used:
$ php bin/magento cache:flush
var BASE_URL = 'https\u003A…
I am using the thesaurus synonyms feature to allow customers to search for a old SKU, but find the new product. Sometimes my SKU has to change and i have a replacement product which has the same/simil…
### Preconditions and environment
- Magento 2.4.4
- Upgrade from 2.3.2
- Website is a PWA so doesn't use regular frontend.
### Steps to reproduce
composer update --no-dev
Run bin/magento.