Chromium for Windows now supports a new target platform - ARM64. This is a native version of Chromium (not a store app or UWP app or universal app) that runs on the (relatively) new ARM64 version of W…
satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for quickstart:
* kmod-md-mod
* kmod-md-raid0
* kmod-md-raid10
* kmod-md-raid1
* opkg_install_cmd: Ca…
跑码完成,首页和商店都显示了,但在商店安装插件报错Error relocating /bin/stat: statx: symbol not found /bin/is-opkg: line 47: arithmetic syntax error
# 家庭网络无公网 IPv4 地址异地无感知远程访问家中服务的一个解决方案(NATMap+OpenWrt+Surgio+GitHub Action+Gist+Surge/Stash/Clash)
前提,如果 IPv6 足够普及,那么这篇文章就不需要了。
前提,如果你的家庭网络有公网 IPv4 地址,那么这篇文章…
## 1.关于你要提交的问题
Q:是否搜索了issue (使用 "x" 选择)
* [ x] 没有类似的issue
## 2. 详细叙述
**TARGETS:** The stok Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) token placed within the site URL such as:;stok=60894104183094a30c6967cfc9d4fabc/a…
写的不错,只是希望能支持到google Chrome游览器。
Request Data:
"url": "https://sysupgrade.openwrt.org",
"revision": "r20134-5f15225c1e",
"advanced_mode": "1",
"branch": "22.03",
"efi": {
"path": "/sys/firm…
I want to thank you guys for all the help. The last few weeks I've entertained myself with trying to get an xray client to work on the little Xiaomi Mini. Finally it works 99% thanks to your work here…