Hi Julian, who created the csv files in resources/luna16_train_cubes_manual? What is the reason to create this data? Sorry I have read your blog, but I still can't understand it.
As per the datamodule/luna.py , the dataset with *.mhd files are to be placed in a folder named 'segs'
But I still can't predict on LUNA16
How to predict ?
I crop lung nodule to 64*64*64 and turn the gray level to [0,255], and then turn it to [0,1] as the input of UNet3D. I used the pre-trained weight excluded the final_layer, and I replaced it as a two…
Thanks for your code, good work. While, I'm a little confused about the config files.
config = {'stage1_data_path':'/work/DataBowl3/stage1/stage1/', # Kaggle第一阶段原始数据
Hello! Firstly, your repository is very simple and easily to understand for a newbie like me so thank you very much. I am currently experimenting with CNN and LUNA16 dataset. May I know how do you org…
Hi, thanks for the great work!
I see that you use some folders normalized_brightened_CT_2_5, inferred_seg_lungs_2_5, luna16_ct_normalized. And as far as i understand this folders stored some preproce…
- [ ] Walnuts
- [ ] LUNA16
- [x] 2DeteCT
Hi Julian,
This script is generating so many csv files. Can you please tell me what exactly does each of these functions generate?
process_lidc_annotations(only_patient=None, agreement_threshold=…
Hi, julian,
Your work is great. Thanks for sharing.
I download the resource.rar and there are several folders including different data. As far as I know, the data in the folder 'luna16_annotatio…
Hi @lfz
Can you please advise how to convert the nodule detection results (coordinates in .pbb) files back to the original coordinate system in the scan? For example, all luna16 data has been pre-…