I am using this library to read my vehicle which works with KWP FAST Protocol.
I am using the hardware from Macchina (https://www.macchina.cc/catalog)
The MCU that I use is a Chipkit Max 32.…
It'd be nice to have support for this board:
which is currently supported by the Arduino IDE, and seems to be very similar to the Arduino Due
Would be nice to include Conan support for Macchina.io, as done for Poco project on [conan-poco](https://github.com/pocoproject/conan-poco). This feature will help to build and distribute Macch…
Creare POC per nuova macchina PS/PSF.
Support for the Macchina M2 was added in platformio/platformio-core#1198, however it was later removed by the commit that moved Atmel SAM boards to this repo.
I tried messing around with this repo,…
I want to cross compile bundles to aarch64 architecture because I'm working on a custom board based on IMX8MMini CPU.
I'm working on Yocto, and I already used your Yocto layer for that, and it i…
Greetings! As the title above indicates, I have been unable to successfully compile for the M2 as of commit c9e2ffb6a0f00c01fbdd448c66af42ec92a915ae. The merge at commit df450532f4d17fdc6a241bd5b6a6b1…
Creare nuovo programma per nuova macchina Lissy
Servizi per :
- Dato un utente tornare le macchine associate ad esso
- Data una macchina ( Object id macchina ) tornare tutte le parti
- Data una macchina ( Object id macchina ) tornare tutt…
The macchina battery percentage value doesn't match the MacOS system's (about 3 less)