I'm créating this one because in the specific case where you would install and serve mangapie in simple http, then encapsulate it in https with a reverse proxy, the site work normally but when you rea…
I'm opening this in order to ask some questions on possibles features that could be added in the future. I'm not opening a specific feature request because i don't need any of the things i'm gonna tal…
I just reinstalled mangapie on a fresh debian 10 LEMP.
I have some suggestions to improve the wiki page.
Install required packages to build php modules:
I had a "not found" for "b…
I installed Mangapie in a fresh debian 10 and i get this:
this error only happen on an empty DB.
i restored my db_backup and APP_KEY and no problem when "init"
Could you add a "Mark all/selected as read" fonction when displaying a serie. we all have some old mangas that we have already read prior to using mangapie. since mangapie keep track of what…
i started using mangapie a little less than 1 year ago and happened to read a new chapter from a serie that was added to mangapie around the same time, there was no description and it lacked…
actually, in mangapie, the title of a serie is the name of the folder that contain it's chapters. It can be anything and sometimes series names use special characters that can't be used in a…
I've been trying to add my manga library through the web interface.
Unfortunately, clicking on the refresh button always end up with a `504 Gateway Time-out`.
Associated php error : `[28-May…
after having struggle to get it run... (also missing image.php in config??)
php artisan mangapie:watch creats 100% CPU Load on one core.
kurim updated
4 years ago
Since informations on series are scraped on MU, can you add a link to the MU serie page on the mangapie serie page? it would make it easier to manage my lists on MU to reflect what y have on Ma…