From mbeddr.core created by [slisson](https://github.com/slisson) : mbeddr/mbeddr.core#1798
From mbeddr.core created by [stephaneberle9](https://github.com/stephaneberle9) : mbeddr/mbeddr.core#1862
Sometimes ports and/or their tooltips (i.e., port labels) that are located close to the lef…
Sources from master branch cannot be build against latest available mbeddr 0.5-eap2.
Is there any known supported mbeddr, mps versions?
I think this would be very useful in the CI and in build scripts.
I asked Sergej how that could be achieved and he suggested two ways:
- adding a runMain section in a build script
- using Project…
I created a "#macro" that references itself: `#macro M1() = M1();`.
This doesn't make sense, but MPS becomes unresponsive because of all the StackOverflowErrors that are thrown.
at jetbrains.mps.nodeEditor.cells.collections.AbstractContainer$ContentsIterator.checkForComodification(AbstractContainer.java:281)
at jetbrains.mps.nodeEdi…
From mbeddr.core created by [wsafonov](https://github.com/wsafonov) : mbeddr/mbeddr.core#1507
When a port is used to connect nodes both from the parent diagram and from the subdiagram, the connecti…
From mbeddr.core created by [kbirken](https://github.com/kbirken) : mbeddr/mbeddr.core#1474
If two connections in the graphical editor cross each other, it is not possible to distinguish which goes…
An issue due to a type results in a critical area of a resource not being left (but reentered).
See [here](…
Regardless of how big a model is, since MPS 2020.1 (at least), it takes more than a few seconds to switch projections. Compare this with switching through pushing an editor hints, which works instanta…