Example notebooks — Torch-TensorRT v1.4.0dev0+544654f documentation
TensorRT/notebooks at master · pytorch/TensorRT
At present `iris.py` [first uses `FaceMesh`](https://github.com/Rassibassi/mediapipeDemos/blob/47c6330227c88ca02e32deb47b150aa8391306a4/iris.py#L47-L55) to find the eyes and then uses another model to…
### Description
Add [mediapipe](https://mediapipe.dev/) as a supported tracker. Mediapipe holistic + iris tracking provides full face and body tracking.
### Why is this needed
Mediapipe only requir…
Do the tensorflow face landmarks detection and Iris landmarks models work on Infrared/grayscal image/video? I have a camera which captures Infrared streams, can I run this model over the inf…
Research if the tensorflow package for javascript has new updates for the model, and if we can use something more optimized. If positive, list the implementation requirements so we can decide to upgra…
I need to use these libraries in my python scripts but they are written in C++ and provided for JS.
### MediaPipe Solution (you are using)
_No response_
### Programming language
### Are you willing to contribute it
### Describe the feature and the current behaviour/state…
First of all, your work helped me a lot, thanks for that. In iris depth estimation, the error increases when the person tilts his/her face. Is there something mediapipe deos, or you might have…
The MediaPipe Face Mesh node encountered an error during execution. The workflow and error message are as follows.
I referenced the source code of [FaceBlendShapesGraph](https://github.com/google/mediapipe/blob/master/mediapipe/tasks/cc/vision/face_landmarker/face_blendshapes_graph.cc) and put it into a "legacy" s…