On a project running SBT. Been running `test` "cycles" on the SBT prompt (`test`, write code, `test`, write code, etc.) After a short number of test iterations I get a metaspace out-of-memory exceptio…
I am currently trying to import mass spec imaging data by converting this to a .h5 to mimic the Visium file formatting. I have reached a point where the error is: ValueError: Versions older than V3 ar…
### 问题描述
最近将项目的fastjson升级到fastjson2,运行一两天后 发现 JVM中的Metaspace占用使用越来越大,引发内存溢出。但退回到fastjson 1系列版本后恢复稳定。
### 环境信息
- OS信息: [e.g.:Windows Server 2016 Datacenter 4Core 3.40GHz 32 GB]
### What happened?
As of now ,`org.apache.beam.sdk.extensions.sql.impl.JdbcDriver` doesn't de-register itself from `java.sql.DriverManager`. And this can causes metaspace leak, because it holds a Chi…
### Describe the bug
Using multiple TestProfiles results in OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace
It seems that running a @QuarkusTest with its own @\TestProfile is not cleaned up properly after the Test ha…
xuckz updated
5 months ago
I am dealing with the JVM metaspace OOM problem. I find that GC Viewer does not support graphical display of metaspace, but this part of data can be obtained in GC logs. Therefore, do GC Viewer c…
Hello, could you please add this, to the jmx module if possible: https://github.com/claranet/terraform-signalfx-detectors/tree/master/modules/smart-agent_genericjmx
resource "signalfx_detect…
There's a metaspace memory leak, caused by the custom `JobClassLoader` – and/or the change to call `loadClass` on every job execution – that was introduced in this commit: https://github.com/azkaban/a…
## Issue Description
box界面执行 `/opt/chaosblade/blade create jvm CodeCacheFilling --pid=1` 实验,报 metaspace oom
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