Check if the data output is uni or multi modal. If distributions are skewed, logarithmise respective features. Inspect either visually, or run one of the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normality_test. …
## 一言でいうと
強化学習において環境のシミュレーター(World Model)とエージェントの操作(Controller)を分けて考えたモデル。環境は画面の表現をVAEで、時系列の遷移をRNNで学習(次時刻におけるVAEの潜在表現zの分布を予測する)、操作側はVAEの潜在表現とRNNの隠れ層を結合して重みをかけるだけというシンプルさ。
Can you add negative binomial distribution in addition of poisson ?
Here, some
Hi! First of all, I would like to congratulate you for your brilliant work.
So far, I have adapted your code to work with time series, instead audio files. For now, I'm using it to (successfully) pr…
title = {Uncertainty quantification of ion chemistry in lean and stoichiometric homogenous mixtures of methane, oxygen, and argon},
journal = {Combustion and Flame},
volume = …
Hello, thanks for all the cool implementations.
I was specifically interested in the MoG-DQN, however, running your implementation, it seems that it does not manage to learn the simplest CartPole …
I wonder how the mixture is done in MDN at test time (so when we want to dream).
http://blog.otoro.net/2015/11/24/mixture-density-networks-with-tensorflow/ : Here we have an example of a MDN with k…
For selecting when to switch between "performance" and "density", we should display a single multiline 24h chart:
- one line is an average on all CPUs included in the plan
- same for RAM, network and …
How would you proceed to plot the convergence of the criterion optimized when running
`inference = ed.KLqp({W_0: qW_0, b_0: qb_0, W_1: qW_1, b_1: qb_1},
data={x: x_train, y: y_tr…